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Calendar Event

Lower School Winter Checkers Tournament

Our 16th annual Lower School Winter Checkers Tournament begins next week. There are two divisions: The Primes Division includes students from Kindergarten through Primes, and the Forms Division includes students in Ist through IIIrd Forms. In each division, Reds play Reds and Blues play Blues in elimination rounds until a winner is determined to represent their color teams in the coveted Red vs. Blue finals. The winner in each division will earn 250 points for their color team. Last year, over 60 students participated, fostering a great deal of healthy competition among all involved. Mr. Brenner will post the game schedule for Round 1 on Monday, and games will begin during recess on Wednesday, January 8. Important things to remember:

  • Standard checker rules apply; for instance, "if you have a jump, you must take it," although only the opponent, not bystanders, should point this out.
  • Students cannot get help from "the stands".
  • Black pieces move first. Students will do rock, paper, scissors to decide who plays which color.
  • If a player is not eliminated by the end of recess, the person with the most points left on the board at the end of recess is the winner. Kings count as 2 points, other pieces count as 1 point.
  • Win or lose, good sportsmanship is imperative.

Keep posted for more information as well as a host of entertaining photos.